Friday, March 18, 2011

Spiral Knights set for release!

Spiral Knights has secured a distrubution deal with Sega, and is set for release on 4/4! In celebration, I am posting some updated screenshots from the game.

It's progressed a great deal since the last post - the game world has been filled out, artwork has been refined and a whole raft of new content is available. I haven't been playing a huge deal in the last few months of testing, so there is plenty there for even someone who has been involved in a lot of the testing to find.

Here is the new arcade -

Here is an updated screenshot of the gate maps (your access to the different levels of the Clockworks)-

And here is the one screenie I managed to get while fighting in a fire-themed Arena level. It was only Depth 2 (the lower the Depth number the easier the fight) but I still found it a bit of a handful and forgot all about taking screenies for most of the level!

Be sure to check out the official site here and keep it bookmarked for the 4th!


  1. I think i've gotten the hang of it!

    But the lag is horrible

  2. You jumped right into the middle of a loadtesting weekend - so not great timing Conrad, but it won't always be so laggy :)

  3. Sun silver is too rare and is used in too many things I was building T~T

    Someone gave me one at least so I could finish my Leviathan Blade. Where u been!? I'm done for now since it's getting reset. When the game launches, add me, "Conrad"
