Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ice Cream Review - Homer Hudson "Digger"

I haven't had ice-cream for a few weeks, and everybody was talking about it so I had to nab some on my way home. I stumbled across a variety I had never seen before - Homer Hudson's "Digger" flavour ice-cream. It purports to be a mix of honeycomb ice-cream and Anzac Biscuit pieces - interesting! Let's see how it holds up to the taste test...
Light brown colour, but who spends much time looking at ice-cream? Lets move on...*nom* smooth and creamy, but I'd expect that from Homer Hudson... *nom nom* the honeycomb flavour is nice initally, but after a few bites it is a bit too sickly sweet for my tastes... I would have gone for something more malty/chocolatey (which incidentally would have referenced Milo and made it even MORE Aussie). I haven't found any biscuit yet *nom* oh wait, there is a fragment... Hmmm, further testing shows that these can't be REAL Anzac biscuits. REAL Anzac biscuits wouldn't melt so much, even after long immersion in creamy frozen dairy substances - they would still break your teeth. Real Anzac biscuits are also burnt at least a little bit! While a few oaty fragments remain, these biscuits have failed to retain anything vaguely crunchy, which makes them less Anzac and more museli. So while overall quenching my ice-cream craving, I can definitely see room for improvements. Must sent Mr Hudson to the nearest school fete or CWA bake sale *pronto*.


  1. i am a digga and i luvs it

  2. I just tried this one the other day and I love it! it does taste like anzac bikkies but i agree they're not as crunchy.

  3. I suppose I sound a bit negative - It was nice icecream, but I just couldn't supress the urge to go find some read Anzac biscuits and crumble them over it!

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