Friday, May 29, 2009

I bet somebody said "Whoops"!

Buried under a pile of papers, I found this in a tiny frame on my bookshelf. I had completely forgotten I'd saved it from the paper, many years ago:

I'm certain it wasn't April Fool's Day either (otherwise it wouldn't be worth saving). Anyone think I should send it in to Failblog?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What do you do with your junk mail?

No, not the organ enlargement mail you get on the computer - I mean the stuff that gets shoved in your mailbox. You know - Woolworths catalogues, takeaway menus, real estate ads and at certain times of the year stacks of glossy pamphlets with shiny-faced politicians?
Well, for a while I used to cut them all up into seperate colours, and turn them into collages. Like this:

What do you do with your junk mail?

Junkmail Sunflowers

Tuesday, May 26, 2009